Telegram Spamban Guide: Causes, Restrictions, and Proven Solutions to Fix It

By Admin
3 months ago
Telegram Spamban Guide: Causes, Restrictions, and Proven Solutions to Fix It

A Detailed Guide to Telegram Spamban: Causes, Effects, and How to Resolve It

Telegram is a widely popular messaging platform, but like any other platform, it has rules to ensure user safety and maintain a healthy community. Violating these rules or receiving complaints from other users can result in restrictions, such as a Spamban. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Spambans, why they occur, and how you can resolve them effectively.

1. What is a Spamban?

A Spamban is a restriction imposed by Telegram on user accounts suspected of violating community guidelines. It specifically prevents users from performing certain actions on the platform.

Key Points:
  • User-Specific: Spambans apply only to individual accounts and not to groups or channels.
  • Telegram’s Authority: Only Telegram can impose a Spamban. Being blocked by a group admin or another user is not considered a Spamban.

2. What Are the Restrictions for Spambanned Users?

A Spamban on Telegram imposes restrictions on user activities due to rule violations or user complaints. Spambanned users cannot send messages to non-mutual contacts, add unknown users to groups, and may face limitations in public groups or on administrative actions. Some restrictions are always applied, while others vary depending on the severity of the ban. Users can check their ban status using @Spambot and follow Telegram’s guidelines to request removal if eligible.

2.1 Always Prohibited

  • Sending private messages to non-mutual contacts (i.e., users who are not in your contact list and vice versa).
  • Adding non-mutual contacts to groups or channels.

If you attempt these actions, you might see an error message such as:

  • "Sorry, you can only send messages to mutual contacts at the moment."
  • Alternatively, an exclamation mark on a red background may appear next to your sent messages, indicating a restriction.

2.2 Sometimes Prohibited

Additional restrictions may include:

  • Inability to send messages to public groups.
  • Restrictions on creating new groups or channels.
  • Losing administrative privileges, such as managing admins in groups or channels.
Spamban image

3. Why Did I Get a Spamban?

3.1 Common Reasons for Spamban

Telegram imposes Spambans based on user complaints or detected violations. The most common triggers include:

  • Sending unsolicited private messages to non-mutual contacts.
  • Adding users to groups or channels without their consent.
  • Posting offensive or spammy content in public groups or channels.
  • Sending inappropriate reactions (e.g., emojis like 💩) in supergroups.

3.2 Why New Accounts Are More Vulnerable

New accounts face stricter scrutiny, and even a single complaint can result in a Spamban. Additionally:

  • If a phone number previously linked to a banned account is reused, the Spamban may transfer to the new account.
  • New accounts may have fewer privileges and a lower tolerance for complaints compared to older accounts

4. How to Check and Remove a Spamban

4.1 Using Spam Info Bot

Telegram provides an official tool to help users address Spamban issues: Spam Info Bot (@Spambot). Here’s how to use it:

  1. If you see the error message "Sorry, you can only send messages to mutual contacts at the moment," click on the More Info button.
  2. Alternatively, search for @Spambot in Telegram’s search bar and start a chat.
  3. Follow the bot’s instructions to identify the type of restriction and get guidance on resolving it.

4.2 Understanding Bot Responses

The bot’s responses can vary. Here are the most common scenarios:

  • “Your account is free from any restrictions”: This may indicate:
  • You are not Spambanned.
  • The Spamban has been lifted but not yet updated in the bot.
  • There is a delay in syncing the restriction data (up to 24 hours).
  • Expiration Date Provided: If the bot shows an end date for the Spamban, remember:
  • The time is in UTC. Convert it to your local timezone.
  • Restrictions might not lift immediately at the stated time due to delays of up to 24 hours.
  • Aggressive Anti-Spam Notification: This type of restriction is triggered by Telegram’s automated system and may require action from group admins where the violation occurred.

5. Does Telegram Premium Protect Against Spamban?

Telegram Premium users have:

  • A lower likelihood of receiving Spambans.
  • Shorter ban durations if restrictions are imposed.

However, Premium does not provide immunity. In some cases, Premium users report receiving expedited ban removal within minutes, but this isn’t guaranteed.

6. How to Report Someone and Trigger Spamban

If you encounter inappropriate behavior on Telegram, you can report users through the official reporting tools. Steps include:

  • Long-pressing a message and selecting Report.
  • Providing relevant details to Telegram’s moderation team.

Keep in mind that reporting does not guarantee immediate action, but it increases the likelihood of moderation.

Spamban Is Not Removed

7. What If Spamban Is Not Removed?

If the Spam Info Bot fails to resolve your issue, there are still options you can try:

  • Email Telegram Support: Contact [email protected] and explain your situation. Clearly state why you believe the restriction is unjustified, including relevant details such as your account history and any supporting evidence.
  • Wait for a Review: Telegram will assess your case. If they determine the ban should remain, unfortunately, there’s no further appeal process.
  • Check for Alternative Contact Methods: If email support does not respond, try reaching out via Telegram’s official @Telegram or @smstelegram accounts.
  • Avoid Creating a New Account: Deleting your account and making a new one with the same phone number won’t remove the ban—it might even make things worse.
  • Be Patient: Some Spambans are temporary, and the restriction may lift automatically after a set period.

If none of these methods work, you may need to accept the restriction and ensure that future activities comply with Telegram’s community guidelines.

8. Additional Tips and Information

  • Account Deletion Won’t Help: Deleting your account and creating a new one with the same phone number will transfer the Spamban to the new account.
  • Changing Phone Numbers Doesn’t Work: The restriction is tied to your account, not your phone number.
  • Workarounds in Groups: If you’re restricted from posting in a group, ask the admin to grant you temporary admin rights. This may allow you to bypass certain restrictions.

For official guidance, refer to Telegram’s FAQ on Spam.


This detailed guide equips you with actionable steps to handle Spambans effectively. Stay informed and adhere to Telegram’s guidelines to ensure a seamless experience on the platform.